The human body is unmatched by any other species on Earth. Explore our amazing anatomy in fine detail before delving into the intricacies of the complex processes, functions and systems that keep us going through incredible illustrations, photography and explanations. Take the head-to-toe tour and begin to see yourself in a whole new light! Featuring: 50 amazing body facts - Discover some intriguing trivia about the human body. Human anatomy - Get an insight into the complexities of human anatomy through in-depth anatomical diagrams. The body at work - Take a look at the processes that keep our bodies functioning and keep us alive! Curious questions - Understand the explanations behind some of the body's weirdest phenomena, from hiccups to sneezing.
How It Works: Book of The Human Body
A-Z OF THE HUMAN BODY • Take a tour of your anatomy with our head-to-toe guide
50 Amazing facts about the human body • There are lots of medical questions everybody wants to ask but we just never get the chance… until now!
Cell structure explained • The human body has over 75 trillion cells, but what are they and how do they work?
Types of human cell • So far around 200 different varieties of cell have been identified, and they all have a very specific function to perform. Discover the main types and what they do…
Inside a nucleus • Dissecting the control centre of a cell
What are stem cells? • Understand how these building blocks bring new life
The human BRAIN • Described as the most complex thing in the universe, our brains are truly astonishing
Brain development • From a single cell to an incredibly intricate network in just nine months
Self-cleaning brains • We have a built-in system to clear toxic waste from between our brain cells
How do nerves work? • Nerves carry signals throughout the body – a chemical superhighway
What does the spinal cord do? • The spinal cord actually is part of the brain and plays a major role
Inside the human eye • Uncovering one of the most complex constructs in the natural world
How the eye focuses • The tiny rings of muscle that make your vision sharp
Seeing in three dimensions • Each eye sees a slightly different image, allowing the brain to perceive depth
How ears work • The human ear performs a range of functions, but how do they work?
A sense of balance
Anatomy of the neck • Explore one of the most complex and functional areas of the human body
How the human skeleton works • Without a skeleton, we would not be able to live. It is what gives us our shape and structure and its presence allows us to operate on a daily basis. It also is a fascinating evolutionary link to all living and extinct vertebrates
The human skull • Understand the complex structure that supports our brain and facial tissues
How do humans speak? • The vocal cords and larynx in particular have evolved over time to enable humans to produce a dramatic range of sounds in order to communicate – but how do they work?
The human spine • The human spine is made up of 33 vertebrae, but how do they support our bodies while also allowing us such flexibility?
Joints • For bones to function together, they are linked by joints
How do muscles work? • Muscles are essential for us to operate on a daily basis, but how are they structured and how do they keep us moving
How does the arm flex?
Skin senses • How does your skin pick up signals from the outside world?
Under the skin • Find out more about the largest organ in your body…
The human heartbeat • How one of your hardest-working muscles keeps your blood pumping
Anatomy of...